Check UI variations of Android apps by various means
Android application development requires creating an adaptive UI that responds appropriately to each device environment, which can be arduous for developers. Developers need to implement UI with an awareness of the following variations. - Font scale and display scale - Light/dark mode - Various screen sizes - Device type (Phones, Tablets, and Foldables) Then, what method can we choose to confirm that the implemented UI is compatible with a wide variety of environments? You could prepare devices for each environment you want to view, and check them manually one by one, but it is costly. In recent years, convenient functions and APIs have been provided to reduce such costs, making it easy to check UI variations. In this session, I will introduce various means to check UI variations and how to use each one, assuming that they are implemented in Jetpack Compose. Specifically, I will cover the following topics. - Android Studio features - Compose UI Check Mode - Compose Preview - Emulator - UI testing and screenshot testing (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)
Nozomi Takuma DeNA, SWET
- Dates 2024.09.13 / 16:20 ~ 17:00 (40min)
- Place Flamingo
- Language Japanese
Intended audience
- Those who don't check the variations of device environments (font scale, screen size, etc.) when implementing UI. - Those who feel it is time-consuming to check the variations of device environments (font scale, screen size, etc.) when implementing UI.
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#Jetpack Compose