Working on improving complex code in the first year of my engineering career

The product code that has supported the functionality of an app since its initial release will become legacy code as the product grows and the architecture and technology evolve. In the first year of my engineering career, I faced various legacy code issues and worked to improve them. In this session, I will share my experiences of dealing with and improving legacy code, and the lessons I've learned that can be applied to improving the maintainability of my own code, which would become legacy in the future. The topics will include the followings: - How I handled the transition of Action/Store from Flux, which had not been re-architected yet, to a Clean Architecture and how I went through the process - How I understood and dealt with the implementation of architectures and libraries that I was not familiar with - How I designed and implemented the code in a way that made it easy to maintain (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • たなむら Android Developer at AbemaTV, Inc


  • Dates 2024.09.12 / 16:20 ~ 17:00 (40min)
  • Place Flamingo
  • Language Japanese

Intended audience

Those who are struggling with and/or interested in refactoring legacy code

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