Let's positively consider introducing and migrating to KSP!

It is now recommended to use Kotlin Symbol Processing (a.k.a KSP) when integrating libraries such as Room, Dagger, and Glide into Android applications. Android Lint also reports the issue *KaptUsageInsteadOfKsp*, encouraging developers to migrate from kapt to KSP. However, since libraries have only recently begun to support KSP, I presume that the number of people who have actually adopted KSP is still relatively small. Therefore, in this session, I would like to review what KSP/kapt is with its advantages and disadvantages, and explain how to introduce and/or migrate to KSP. Also, KSP2 will be released with the release of Kotlin 2.0. I would like to briefly explain the changes that will be made in KSP2! --- - What is KSP? - What is kapt? - Advantages of migrating from kapt to KSP - How to introduce and migrate to KSP - Changes from KSP to KSP2 (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • shxun6934 shxun6934


  • Dates 2024.09.12 / 14:20 ~ 15:00 (40min)
  • Place Flamingo
  • Language Japanese

Intended audience

- Those who are not familiar with KSP - Those who are considering migrating from kapt to KSP - Those who are still seeking a clearer understanding of the benefits of KSP

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