Privacy Sandbox on Android

Last February, a beta version of Privacy Sandbox for Android was released. Privacy Sandbox on Android is a mechanism that aims to effectively deliver digital advertisements while protecting user privacy, without using identifiers such as AAID. In this session, I will discuss the various features of Privacy Sandbox that are currently proposed, especially SDK Runtime, focusing on how they attempt to solve the problems that have existed until now. SDK Runtime is a mechanism to run third-party advertising SDKs in a separate process. While inter-process communication is still possible, the SDK will not be able to directly access the app's memory, thus providing greater security than before. <Overview> - How the Ads SDK works so far - Problems with the previous system - How it works after introducing SDK Runtime - Why SDK Runtime solves the problems - Other Privacy Sandbox features - Topics - Protected Audience API - Attribution Reporting (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • Junya Haseba 株式会社アイモバイル


  • Dates 2024.09.12 / 16:20 ~ 17:00 (40min)
  • Place Giraffe
  • Language Japanese

Intended audience

- Those who are interested in Privacy Sandbox - Those who are interested in SDK Runtime

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