Navigation Focus Support in 2024: Support Keyboard Navigation with Compose!

Android users can operate applications without touching the screen. Depending on the situation, they can use a variety of external devices such as a keyboard, a remote control, or even a game controller. Although you may have experience supporting these situations, have you tried it with Compose? If keyboard navigation is not taken into account during development, it can lead to poor keyboard user experiences, or even make the app become completely unusable. As Compose becomes more and more popular, now more than ever, developers need to update their understanding of it. In this session, we will start by getting a solid understanding of the basics, including the concept of focus navigation. We will then go through a checklist of points to keep in mind when supporting navigation without touch screen input, and also how to solve them with XML. Finally, I will show you how the current navigation concepts will change in the world of Compose and how you can solve the problems of the checklist. May you be able to support all users even if we move to Compose!! (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • Tiphaine (ティフェン) Android engineer


  • Dates 2024.09.12 / 12:20 ~ 13:00 (40min)
  • Place Iguana
  • Language Japanese (English interpretation available)

Intended audience

- Those who don't know Navigation Focus, or want to get a general understanding of it - Those who are thinking about supporting keyboard navigations - Those who want to know how to implement their existing keyboard navigation support with Compose - Those who want to create the best possible experience for all users Compose knowledge is required for the last half of the session (beginner level is fine).

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