Analytics-Backed App Widget Development - Served with Jetpack Glance

In Android, there are notifications and widget features to communicate with users from outside of the app. While many apps utilize notifications, not so many apps implement widgets. However, widgets have a great strength in that they offer a diverse range of expressions and allow users to freely choose their functions and change the layout as they want. There are also numerous benefits to the apps by allowing users to place widgets. As one example, Apps with active widgets are exempted from the restricted status by App Standby Buckets, which contributes to providing app functionality continuously. In this session, we will share our actual widget development measures in these three main areas. 1) Motivation for developing widgets 2) Our development measures based on data and verification of effectiveness 3) Hints and points to keep in mind when implementing widgets (by using Jetpack Glance) More information of each section are provided below: 1) Motivation for developing widgets - History and changes of widgets - Benefits of widgets - Contribution to business - Contribution to app features (2) Our development measures based on data and verification of effectiveness - Our development measures - Analysis of current widgets - Development of new widgets - How to appeal to users by using widgets - Effectiveness verification and decision making (3)Hints and points to keep in mind when implementing widgets (by using Jetpack Glance) - Differences from the Jetpack Compose that you are familiar with - Replacement of old widgets with Jetpack Glance - Difference between Android 12 and above / Android 11 and below - Widget installation preview points Finding issues from an engineer's perspective and making suggestions will lead to an improved app experience. Why not try to improve your app's user engagement through widget development? (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • Miyabi Gouji Android Engineer

  • Yuri Ogura Software Engineer

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  • Dates 2024.09.13 / 12:20 ~ 13:00 (40min)
  • Place Hedgehog
  • Language Japanese (English interpretation available)

Intended audience

- Those who are interested in app widgets/Jetpack Glance - Those who are interested in the process starting from the developer's improvement proposal until actual implementation of thouse measures - Those who are interested in verifying the effectiveness of measures

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