Where to use your Android development experience outside of Android development

Are you wondering if you should continue to focus on Android development? Interested in management but not sure if your experience up until now will be useful? I have read and written a lot of code as an Android developer until 2020. I then worked as an engineering manager, QA engineer, and now I manage the entire development organization as the VP of Engineering while also writing server-side Go, Kotlin for Android, and Swift for iOS. During the course of many 1-on-1s and recruitment meetings, I’ve heard more people than I expected say that they enjoy Android development but are worried about continuing it as a career. I have always told those people that the knowledge and experience you get from Android development will be useful in management, and it’s perfectly fine to enjoy Android development to the fullest and make the most of it. In this session, I’ll share how, through my perspective of having a strength in Android development and experiencing iOS development, server-side development, QA, and management, I have used my experience with Android development throughout my career. While it is great to think and worry about your career, I hope you will feel that you can enjoy the Android development you’re doing now without feeling overly anxious. (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • konifar konifar, doraemon


  • Dates 2024.09.13 / 17:20 ~ 18:00 (40min)
  • Place Giraffe
  • Language Japanese

Intended audience

Those who are vaguely concerned about basing their career on Android development Those who want to know if there are areas where their Android development experience can be used to take on development and management in other areas.

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