Latest Updates for 2024! A Thorough Comparison of Generative AI useful for Android Development

Generative AI tools are rapidly becoming popular in modern Android development to improve productivity. Are you interested in generative AI tools but not sure which tool to use and how to use it? In this session, I will compare three major generative AI tools (Gemini, GitHub Copilot, and ChatGPT), and suggest concrete ways to use them in actual development. The strengths and application scenarios of each tool will be presented in detail with scenarios unique to Android development. I hope to share tips and know-how to improve code quality and development efficiency. Agenda (tentative): ■ Overview of generative AI Tools ■ Comparison of Gemini, GitHub Copilot, and ChatGPT - Functions of each tool and how to integrate them into Android Studio - Generation accuracy in Android app development - Ease of use and implementation cost ■ How to use them in actual development - Documentation generation - Automatic test code generation - Efficient code review and debugging methods - Improvement of application performance ※The technology of generative AI tools is rapidly evolving, and the content of this session is the latest at the time of application. The content of this session is subject to change as the latest information and new tools become available. (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • Nishimy Android Engineer

  • wiroha(ゐろは) DevRel


  • Dates 2024.09.13 / 14:20 ~ 15:00 (40min)
  • Place Flamingo
  • Language Japanese

Intended audience

- Those who want to improve development efficiency by using generative AI - Those who want to know the difference between generative AI - Those who are interested in productivity improvement

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