The evolution of Android development with Kotlin 2.0

The release of Kotlin 2.0 brings a host of benefits to Android development. This session will cover the fundamentals of the major changes, their specific benefits, and use cases, along with the context of these advancements so that you can leverage all these new features. Key changes and benefits that will be covered (tentative): ・Evolution to the K2 Compiler ・New benefits introduced by the K2 Compiler ・How to migrate to the K2 Compiler in your Android projects ・Integration of the Compose Compiler ・The latest Compose Compiler is now integrated into the Kotlin repository. ・Easily migrate Jetpack Compose projects to Kotlin 2.0.0. ・Always have access to the latest Compose features, making UI development more seamless and efficient. ・AutoCloseable Interface now stable ・try-with-resources-like simplified resource management ・Easier resource releasing, reducing the risk of memory leaks ・Improved app stability and performance ・Gradle Plugin Improvements ・Resolution of deprecated Gradle conventions usage ・No more warnings in Gradle 8.2 and later, smoother build processes ・The new Gradle DSL makes it easy to configure Android compiler options in multiplatform projects. ・Support for the enum class values generic function ・Improved code reusability ・Enhanced type safety ・Easy retrieval and handling of all values in an enum class Experience the benefits of developing with the latest Kotlin version! (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • daasuu Software Engineer


  • Dates 2024.09.12 / 12:20 ~ 13:00 (40min)
  • Place Giraffe
  • Language Japanese

Intended audience

Android developers who want to learn more about Kotlin.

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