Mastering Screenshot Testing for Android Apps

Screenshot testing helps in verifying that your UI renders correctly across various devices and configurations. Also, can directly display the UI difference after any code changes. In this talk, we will dive into the world of screenshot testing using popular tools like paparazzi, roborazzi and Google’s experimental plugin: Compose Preview Screenshot Testing. Starting with the basics, we’ll explore the implementation of screenshot tests, how to set up and configure these tools, and integrate them into CI pipeline. I’ll share experience about weird issues our team faced and how to address them, and best practices for testing adaptive layouts, ensuring your app looks great on any screen size. As Compose Preview Screenshot Testing Plugin is still in Alpha phase, I will catch up with the issues/pain point under disucssing, and share an ideal world of screenshot testing.

  • bing-zhu U-Next, Senior Android Engineer


  • Dates 2024.09.13 / 14:20 ~ 15:00 (40min)
  • Place Giraffe
  • Language English

Intended audience

People who: * Want to learn about screenshot testing * Are looking for solutions to common screenshot testing issues * Seek a comparative analysis of available screenshot testing tools

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