Image Recognition and Object Detection with MediaPipe on Android

MediaPipe for Image Recognition and Object Detection MediaPipe is an open source, cross platform Machine Learning framework. In this presentation we will learn what MediaPipe is and how we can perform some common vision based tasks using MediaPipe on Android. We will also cover the following with real examples: 1) Object Detection with MediaPipe on Android: Efficiently locate objects in real-time on Android devices using MediaPipe. 2) Image Classification via MediaPipe on Android: Identify and categorize images accurately with MediaPipe's pre-trained models. 3) Image Segmentation with MediaPipe on Android: Partition images for diverse applications such as background removal and medical imaging. 4) On-device ML with MediaPipe: Run ML models directly on Android devices for privacy and low latency.

  • Anant Chowdhary Google


  • Dates 2024.09.12 / 15:20 ~ 16:00 (40min)
  • Place Iguana
  • Language English (Japanese interpretation available)

Intended audience

Java, Kotlin

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