Jetpack Compose Modifier In Depth

Modifiers are an essential part of UI development with Jetpack Compose. However, many of you may not be familiar with modifiers that you do not use on a daily basis. In this session, I will explain modifiers in Jetpack Compose as much as time allows! - Basic concepts of Modifier / Explanation of the basic role and usage of Modifier - Thorough explanation of Modifiers - Explanation of about 150 types of various Modifiers as much as possible! - Ranking of Modifiers used in ZOZO I would like to introduce the most frequently used modifiers in ZOZO's product code in order of frequency of use, while also focusing on minor modifiers that are not used. In addition to concrete code examples, images and animations will be used to provide a visually intuitive explanation. You will be able to understand intuitively what may not be clear to you just by reading the official documentation. You will be surprised at what you can do with Modifiers! This session is intended to help you improve your UI development efficiency with Jetpack Compose and build more intuitive and attractive applications. (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • wiroha(ゐろは) DevRel


  • Dates 2024.09.12 / 14:20 ~ 15:00 (40min)
  • Place Giraffe
  • Language Japanese

Intended audience

- Those who want to know what Modifier can do - Those who are thinking about using Modifier in the future - Those who are looking for a way to customize their UI

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