Creating PDF Viewers: Past and Future ~ PdfRenderer Enhanced in Android 15~

What comes to your mind when you think about creating a PDF viewer on Android? You probably thought that creating your own PDF viewer requires too much effort and time so a third-party library should be used, or the memory performance seems to be bad. However, third-party libraries may keep on costing money. Also depending on the specification changes, you may have to create your own PDF viewer in the long run. Therefore, in this session, based on my experience of creating a PDF viewer, I will share how to create a PDF viewer on Android from scratch and related tips. In addition to that, many new features have been added in Android 15 to PdfRenderer - which is used to create a PDF viewer. I will also introduce how to use these new features and think about possible applications for them. What I will talk about in this session: How to create a basic PDF viewer using Android's standard API How to create a PDF viewer using Compose Performance issues in creating a PDF viewer and possible solutions What's new in PdfRenderer since Android 15 What I will not talk about in this session: How to create a PDF viewer using xml How to create a PDF viewer using PDF viewer libraries (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • Hunachi Android Engineer | Graduate Student@Ochanomizu Univ.


  • Dates 2024.09.12 / 15:20 ~ 16:00 (40min)
  • Place Hedgehog
  • Language Japanese (English interpretation available)

Intended audience

People who are considering to implement PDF viewer People who are developing e-book and comic book apps and want to move to Compose People who want to keep up with the latest trends in PDF-related APIs People who are interested in how to implement a PDF viewer

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