How to monitor location information while considering battery life (Geofences)

# Background Have you ever monitored location information? There are many uses for monitoring, such as determining whether you are near your home before issuing an event, or sending a notification when you enter an event venue. The first algorithm that comes to mind when monitoring location information is to receive GPS data once every few minutes and determine whether the location information is within the specified area you decided. However, obtaining GPS location uses a large amount of power. That is why I will try to improve the battery life by using geofences, a function of Google Mobile Service (GMS), to monitor location information. Geofences in GMS extend battery life by using fingerprints such as mobile network information in addition to GPS information. # What will be done in this session In this session, I will start with an overview of geofences, explain how to build a simple algorithm for geofences, and then implement a geofence with GMS and test its behaviors. # Slide contents - What geofences are - What kind of app you can make using geofences - What will happen if you try to implement it yourself - How to implement geofences with GMS - A simple demonstration - A comparison of the performance between GMS geofences and a self-made implementations - The steps to publish your app (might be skipped depending on time) - What you can and can't do with geofence apis in GMS (Translated by the DroidKaigi Committee)

  • はるちろ 愛知工業大学 梶研究室


  • Dates 2024.09.12 / 15:20 ~ 16:00 (40min)
  • Place Flamingo
  • Language Japanese

Intended audience

- People who are worried about battery life when acquiring GPS and monitoring location information - People looking for a different approach to GPS monitoring

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