You will 💙 becoming a fullstack developer with your Android skills

Kotlin is much more than just a language; it is a complete ecosystem! From backend development to cross-platform front-end development, and even data science, it is everywhere. This is part of the DNA of Kotlin since its creation and grows exponentially especially with the latest Google IO and KotlinConf 2024. This talk demonstrates how Android devs can easily become fullstack using their existing Kotlin skills. We will share three demos covering different stacks of development including exotic and funny ones. We will achieve all of this by keeping our favorite Jetpack libraries (such as navigation, Room and preferences datastore) and integrating new ones (such as Ktor client/server, DataFrame). By the end of this presentation, you will be delighted to realize how easy and pleasant it is to kick-start development for other targets than Android. Indeed, in addition to iOS, desktop, web, backend, and data-science apps, even more app stacks are already in your reach.

  • Ibrahim Gharbi Worldline - mobile software architect

  • Yassine Benabbas DevRel, teacher @ Worldline / member of LAUG


  • Dates 2024.09.12 / 14:20 ~ 15:00 (40min)
  • Place Hedgehog
  • Language English (Japanese interpretation available)

Intended audience

Expected audience: we expect the audience to already have some knowledge in Android development so that they can expand to other platforms with their existing knowledge of the Android ecosystem (Kotlin language, libraries, IDE, tooling, build system, etc.). This session answers the question: As an Android dev, how can I become a cross-platform and full-stack developer and what is possible to achieve currently?

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