From Idea to IDE: Developing Plugins for Android Studio

Android Studio allows developers to add custom features to make the IDE work better for their needs. In this talk, we'll look at how to use the Project Structure Interface (PSI) to create plugins that improve Android Studio and make development faster. We'll explain the basics of the Plugin SDK and show how Jetpack Compose can help build easy-to-use interfaces for these plugins. Attendees will learn about different kinds of plugins they can create and how these can help them work more efficiently in Android Studio. We'll also share examples of useful plugins to give you ideas and practical tips.

  • Ahmed Ali Android Engineer


  • Dates 2024.09.13 / 10:20 ~ 11:00 (40min)
  • Place Hedgehog
  • Language English (Japanese interpretation available)

Intended audience

Basic Understanding of Kotlin and Compose

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