Crafting Cross-Platform Adventures: Building a Game Engine with Kotlin Multiplatform

Building a game engine is an adventure. Building a multiplatform game engine in Kotlin Multiplatform is an even more exciting adventure. In this session I will share what I learned from creating game engines with Kotlin Multiplatform. From mastering Graphic APIs like OpenGL and WebGL to crafting sounds using waveform synthesis, we'll explore the essentials of game development. Learn how to design cross-platform APIs, what are the specificities of each platform and what were the issues I had to create my game engine. Join me as we embark on this thrilling journey of creativity, innovation, and endless possibilities in game engine development.

  • David Wursteisen Just code it


  • Dates 2024.09.13 / 10:20 ~ 11:00 (40min)
  • Place Flamingo
  • Language English

Intended audience

People who - Want to discover Kotlin Multiplatform - Want to discover how a game engine is working - Want to discover what is OpenGL/WebGL - Want to discover the nuances between a desktop app, android app, web app, … while using Kotlin multiplatform - Already know Kotlin/JVM

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